Sliding Gates are a specialist installation with different characteristics than swing gate installations.
Requiring specialist motors and constructions elements the decision to install sliding gates is usually determined by challenging entrance conditions.
Entrances with minimal opening space, a steep aspect, limited drive access or a very wide entrance are often situations where a sliding gate is the only solution.
The crucial requirement for a sliding gate is having suitable and sufficient recess space available on site.
Sliding gates can be of a contemporary or traditional style manufactured in both Metal or Hardwood
To see more sliding gates, visit the sliding gate gallery
Behind the Scenes
‘Behind the Scenes’ of a sliding gate. Examples of the considerations of the sliding gate mechanism.
Constructed at the bottom of a steep entrance, substantial excavation was required to accommodate this 5 metre gate to recess into. Strict Safety regulations required that the revealed space be secured by a locked gate, providing a barrier to the moving gate mechanism.
A concealing back panel was constructed to create a ‘pocket’ recess for the gate to slide into. A very stylish solution concealing all the gates mechanical mechanism providing enhanced safety.